Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chloe's Drawings

Yesterday I came across one of my daughter's old journals.
A notebook and a pencil could keep her amused for quite some time.

This page makes me laugh and cry.
Later, at around age 6, she gave one attempt at turning this into a diary.

Day 1 - I saw a man.

I love children's art.
Simply, it makes me happy.

Being creative is part of being human.
Everyone is creative.
Each person's creativity finds different form, that's true;
but without creativity of some kind,
I doubt that we'd get through many of the problems that life poses.

-Fred Rogers, aka Mr. Rogers


  1. Oh, the faces in Chloe's drawings - so funny and cute! I love kids art.
    Great words, Mr Rogers.

  2. I love the diary entry. It says much. Mr. Rogers hit the nail on the head, didn't he?
