Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't Forget...



  1. this piece of your artwork makes me so very joyful...breathing and smiling over here... a big hug to you...

  2. Thanks, I needed that. Have a great week.

  3. love! sweet little birds and a good reminder!

  4. I'm pretty sure that every reader's response to your message was to breathe in deeply... I did. I really enjoy the lavender and lylac tones in your artwork it's so heavenly peaceful although you've got a lot of movement going on. To me, the lady/girl has both "feet on the ground" but at the same time reaches heaven and the clouds. I've noticed how you constantly draw a mending heart, with the ondulating mending thread in the bird's peak; I couldn't help but notice the straightness of the first section of the thread this time as if part of the "Bird home" , as if all these different birdies had once helped/ accompanied her and now she was providing a place for them to rest and visit, made precisely with the loving, healing ,"magic" thread. Adding to this, I love the fact she's dressed in yellow. I don't know if you just produced this artpiece or not but I think it's so right for the moment you are living which you so generously have shared with us (your readers). I really believe sharing happiness brings more happiness. Congratulations to you and your husband and keep spreading your wise, positive thoughts.

    Dictionary Anonymous

  5. My mantra... need to be reminded so badly that I tattooed it on my wrist ;)
