Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Sunday

and still nothing could be found...

there would be no surprise,

but plenty of assumptions.

tiny little sorrows build up into a giant hug

love leans against God's leg



  1. So poetic. Love your new header, by the way. Hope you have a great day.

  2. Jenny,
    This is beautiful. I hope you are doing well. I am sorry that I have not visited your lovely blog of late. I am so glad that you are doing well with your artwork! I see that you have been featured in several places. Great! Have a visit to my blog if you have time. I am fundraising for Japan with right now. We have raised $1,000 already for Japan and sent a box over. I am trying to send another. I thought I would let you know and you could come see and maybe put a link on your blog if you have a mind to.
